11 Easy Tox-free DIY Body Recipes
Is 2021 the year you are prioritising better health in your home BUT the thought of making the switch to low-tox overwhelming for you? Do you have no idea where to start?
With so many toxins in our homes, these days the thought of trying to tackle the problem gets put into your “too hard” or “one-day” basket.
And as for DIY, well that just seems too time confusing and hard. Or you worry that they just won’t work.
We get you!! We have been right where you are too. But we are here to tell you the transition can be easy. It can be done one step at a time.
10 Quick and Easy DIY Body Recipes for Low-tox success
The average woman uses hundreds of synthetic chemicals (like literally 300-500!!) on her body every single day, most without a second thought. If you stop to consider the health implication of these chemicals starting with swapping out products we slather all over our body first seems a logical starting point.
Our DIY body recipes to help you swap out some of the main products used on your body daily easily. No guessing, no searching high and low for a DIY recipe that works. All these recipes work a treat.
1. Deodorants
Deodorant is a GREAT place to start your DIY Lowtox journey. Many of us are still using antiperspirant deodorants, believing these are our only options to stop the stink.
These antiperspirants work by using chemicals to stop our body sweating. However stopping the sweating process is blocking our bodys natural process of cleansing and expelling toxins from our bodies!
⛔ EEEK we dont want to be stopping that!
Making your own deodorant can be a great way to not only avoid antiperspirants but also other nasty ingredients found in mainstream deo’s.
Ok so DIY-ing your own deodorant might seem like an all too daunting and complicated task… But we are here to squash that myth!
Check out these super simple FREE recipes that cater for all DIY levels. If you don’t like a paste there is a roll-on AND a spray option! Too easy! Give one or 2 of them a try, promise you won’t go back to your store brought dodgy brothers 😜
Roll-On Deodorant
A simple DIY recipe to make natural DIY roll-on deodorant in just minutes
Natural DIY Deodorant Paste
DIY Deodorant without Baking Soda for Sensitive Skin
An Easy Natural DIY deodorant without baking soda for sensitive skin
2. Body Washes & Shower Gels
Many commercial body washes contain toxins like synthetic fragrance, sodium lauryl sulphate, PEG’s and preservatives. They can be a real chemical nightmare.
Who wants to wash themselves (or their little kiddies) with toxic chemicals?
The good news is our DIY version is so crazy simple you can barely call it a recipe!
Yet it’s a nice gel consistency just like regular body wash 👏
This is one of our most popular recipes and has a 4.5-star rating from user reviews.
It really is an AWESOME recipe 😉
3. Hand Creams
HANDS, We are constantly using them but we rarely do anything nice for them.
If you are anything like me and you find yourself washing your hands hundreds of times a day you know how dry and rough your poor little hands can get.
And if you have poorly little 👶 ones you can double the amount of hand washing and dryness.
Or maybe you are an avid gardener and need something to apply after a busy day planting 🌱 and tending to your botanical babies 🥬
This hand cream is so nourishing moisture-starved hands just sigh with relief.
It also makes an awesome cracked heel balm. Just apply liberally before bed and put on a pair of socks so the sheets don’t just rub it all off.
Moisturising Hand Cream
A simple moisturising DIY hand cream recipe. Perfect for dry cracked hands
4. Shaving Creams
Have you been looking for a way to replace that aerosol can full of toxins labelled “shaving cream” in your bathroom?
Finally, your search is over!
Not only does this simple DIY make a nice thick lather it is made using just 3 ingredients.
Most of the DIY shaving cream recipes out there are hard to use and can clog up the razor, making them not very user friendly or practical.
Prior to creating this recipe I used to just use an oil, or castile soap for shaving. Sure they are easy to get hold of and have no prep time, but they don’t make for the smoothest shave. And if you have sensitive skin, are likely to leave you with a nasty shaving rash.
But no more!
Easy to make and long-lasting, this shave soap just the right amount of “slip” giving you a nice close shave and reducing razor burn and irritation.
DIY Shave Soap Recipe
A quick and simple DIY shave soap that gives the perfect and amount of "slip" and give a thick luscious foam with a shaving brush
5. Body Oils
Body Oils are a great subsitute for a lotion or moisturiser. The best part is that it is WAAAY faster than other lotions or moisturisers… aint no body got time to sit around waiting for moisturiser to soak in, am i right?!
If you are trying to remove toxins from your personal care products but don’t have an unlimited budget? Then a nourishing body oil is the perfect lower cost solution, as lowtox Moisturisers can be costly
We have named our body oil the ‘2 Minute Body Oil’! Does this show you just how quick this sucker is to make?! Quicker and cheaper than a trip to the shops to buy the toxic laden counterparts….
Why wouldnt you DIY this easy lowtox swap?! Give it a whirl! Your body will love you for it.
6. Lip Balms
Lip balms would have to be one of THE BEST DIY’s for those new to DIY!
Easy to make, beautiful to use and easily customisable to make them your own.
Many mainstream lip balms contain toxins that you really don’t want on your lips. Just some of the toxic chemicals that you might find in commercial lip balms include:
Petroleum/Petrolatum – petroleum jelly is an oil by-product that actually suffocates, rather than moisturise your lips and can contain carcinogenic chemicals (depending on the refining process used)🛢 Mineral Oil – Like petroleum jelly mineral oil suffocates your lips, is a petroleum byproduct and potentially contains carcinogens
Parabens – are synthetic preservatives widely used in personal care products that are known endocrine disruptors. They also cause skin ailments like dermatitis, eczema and hives.
Synthetic Fragrance or Flavour – When you see either of these on a label it can be read as “chemical shitstorm”. Artificial fragrances and flavours are linked to cancer, endocrine disruption and allergies. Most fragrances also contain phthalates, another toxic chemical you should steer clear of.
Basic Lip balm Recipe
The best easy DIY lip balm recipe for moisturizing dry, chapped lips
7. Foaming Soap
You’re already making your own foaming soap right??!
If you arent you REALLY need to jump on this train pronto!
We are washing ourselves and our families every day, washing hands every toilet trip (well most of us) and several times in between.
So it makes total sense to make sure we aren’t building up a toxic chemical hormone cocktail inside our bodies from our soap!
Out of any recipe this Foaming Soap has to be the
Most economicalSwap you will ever make!